New serial terminal WEB to test

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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by cicciocb »

I did the testing using the ESP32; it should be the same for the ESP8266.
What is the version of annex that you are using?

You are right, the line that is involved is

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

A$ = A$ + | connection.send("cmd:setvarxd$="+ e); | ' send what received in the variable d$
Maybe you can do some testing, if you are familiar with the "debug" window of the navigator (F12 key).
You could type, in the console, the command
and see if you have the same error or you receive "hello" inside the variable d$ ?
This is the way that enable the transfer of variables between javascript and basic.

I need to make some testing on the ESP8266, I cannot do now, I'll try later tonight.
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by yama »

I tried to debug on chrome.
"cmd:setvarxd$=hello" is bad.?
parameter (command format) on "connection.send()" is bad?
because japanese key chracter map ?
What is the format on connection.send() ?
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by cicciocb »

This command is different from the esp32 so this line should be

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

A$ = A$ + |   connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"'); | ' send what received in the variable d$
So, the complete program should be :

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]


'loads the javascript
jsexternal "/xterm.js"
pause 2000 ' a little pause for loading the javascript

A$ = ||
A$ = A$ + |<!doctype html>|
A$ = A$ + | <html>|
A$ = A$ + | <head>|
A$ = A$ + | <link rel="stylesheet" href="/xterm.css" />| 
A$ = A$ + | </head>|
A$ = A$ + | <body>|
A$ = A$ + | <H1> Wifi Xterm Test </H1>|
A$ = A$ + | <div id="terminal"></div>|
A$ = A$ + | </body>|
A$ = A$ + | </html>|
html a$

a$ = ||
A$ = A$ + | term = new Terminal();|
A$ = A$ + |'terminal'));|
A$ = A$ + | term.write('Hello from \x1B[1;3;31mxterm.js\x1B[0m $ ');|

A$ = A$ + | term.onData(async function(e) { |
A$ = A$ + |   console.log("onData:", e); |
' this line is for the esp32
'A$ = A$ + |   connection.send("cmd:setvarxd$="+ e); | ' send what received in the variable d$
' this line is for the esp8266
A$ = A$ + |   connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"'); | ' send what received in the variable d$

A$ = A$ + | });|
jscript a$

OnHtmlChange Jump1  'will jump to Jump1 when a variable changes on the web page
onSerial serialIn ' will jump to serialIn when data received on the serial port
Wait         'pause waiting for the event

Print d$; 'print the characters received in the serial port

jscall |term.write('| + serial.input$ + |');| 'send what received in the web terminal
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by yama »

Thank you for information.
My RDS version is Annex WiFi 1.43.2.(ESP8266) now.
I think that it(wifi term) does not work stably.
What version is suitable for this.
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by cicciocb »

The latest version is the 1.44.2

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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by yama »

Thank you for more information.
Finally it worked good. It is amazing !!
I will try to arrange it a little.
I will report later.
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by yama »

An error occurred in the input " (double quotes) .
Is there any improvement?

connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"');
What format is "cmd"?
cmd:immediatex d$=xx ?
xx:double quotes code """ is bad
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by cicciocb »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:03 am An error occurred in the input " (double quotes) .
Is there any improvement?

connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"');
What format is "cmd"?
cmd:immediatex d$=xx ?
xx:double quotes code """ is bad
The command cmd: is the way I implemented to transfer commands from javascript to the basic.

cmd:immediatx enables to send command lines as if executed directly from the interpreter.
In this case, the line that is sent is
d$="x" where x is the code of the key typed in the terminal; obviously if the code is " then the line will be d$=""" that gives a syntax error.
What you can do is to use the | as string separator like this :
cmd:immediatxd$='|'+ e + '|');

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

A$ = A$ + "   connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$=|'+ e + '|'); " 
Obviously you'll have the same issue on the key | so, another way, could be to check if the string received contains " and send alternatively the " or the | as separator

Another problem is linked to the character new line '\n' or chr$(10) that is used as line separator so will generate another problem.
You can filter them in the basic like below

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]


'loads the javascript
jsexternal "/xterm.js"
pause 2000 ' a little pause for loading the javascript

A$ = ||
A$ = A$ + |<!doctype html>|
A$ = A$ + | <html>|
A$ = A$ + | <head>|
A$ = A$ + | <link rel="stylesheet" href="/xterm.css" />| 
A$ = A$ + | </head>|
A$ = A$ + | <body>|
A$ = A$ + | <H1> Wifi Xterm Test </H1>|
A$ = A$ + | <div id="terminal"></div>|
A$ = A$ + | </body>|
A$ = A$ + | </html>|
html a$

a$ = ||
A$ = A$ + | term = new Terminal();|
A$ = A$ + |'terminal'));|
A$ = A$ + | term.write('Hello from \x1B[1;3;31mxterm.js\x1B[0m $ ');|

A$ = A$ + | term.onData(async function(e) { |
A$ = A$ + |   console.log("onData:", e); |
' this line is for the esp32
'A$ = A$ + |   connection.send("cmd:setvarxd$="+ e); | ' send what received in the variable d$
' this line is for the esp8266
'A$ = A$ + |   connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"'); | ' send what received in the variable d$
'A$ = A$ + "   connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$=|'+ e + '|'); " 
A$ = A$ + |   if (e.includes('"')) |
A$ = A$ + "      connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$=|'+ e + '|'); " ' send what received in the variable d$ using |
A$ = A$ + |   else|
A$ = A$ + |      connection.send('cmd:immediatxd$="'+ e + '"'); | ' send what received in the variable d$ using "
A$ = A$ + | });|
jscript a$

OnHtmlChange Jump1  'will jump to Jump1 when a variable changes on the web page
onSerial serialIn ' will jump to serialIn when data received on the serial port
Wait         'pause waiting for the event

d$ = replace$(d$, chr$(10), chr$(10) + chr$(13))
Print d$; 'print the characters received in the serial port

k$ =  serial.input$
k$ = replace$(k$, chr$(10), "\n")
k$ = replace$(k$, chr$(13), "\r")
jscall |term.write('| + k$ + |');| 'send what received in the web terminal
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by yama »

"Wifi-Terminal" work perfectly, do same as Web-Terminal.
Amazing! Wireless terminal is completed!
Annex-RSD is "cool" system.
I will arrange it a little more,
Recently, I plan to embed it in a programming robot for learnning.
Thank you.
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Re: New serial terminal WEB to test

Post by cicciocb »

Nice!! :D
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