The limit imposed by the SDK seems to be at 16 (at least for the ESP32-S3) but some TCP are required by annex to work so, realistically, I think that 10 devices should be a valid max number of devices; probably the real limit should be at around 14.[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Sun Oct 13, 2024 8:54 pm The small number of TCP connections is not a huge problem to me (see my [Local Link Removed for Guests]) as if you want to use MQTT exclusively you would use , say ,use a RPI Zero instead, where you have the capability of 1000(s) of connections.
The advantage ,to me, is to give simply the ability of a MQTT broker within the ESP32 to allow the android display capabilities for an ESP32 project on an Android phone, so no LCD hardware and software development required.
Annex has lots of capability for other types of connections to sensors etc that can be used and then aggregate the data into groups and present to the broker via a single TCP connection.
This approach then leaves what TCP connections are available to use where individual device connections must be used.
I'm actually testing it and the broker seems to coexist well inside Annex; it can listen for the messages and also send as if it was a client to the other clients. Practically can work alone acting like a client/server or gather messages coming from other sources (MQTT, ESP-NOW, TCP, URL, ..) and exchange with other MQTT client.
I did not yet tested, but it should also be able to connect with another MQTT server (using the existing client functionality)