A basic outline is above.
1- Dot matrix clock/ weather station (8 panels side to side)
2- A sun figurine stuck on a thin wire that moves in half a circle on a servo. Sunrise and sunset times retrieved from internet (API) and the angle of the sun is calculated using the current time. On sun set the clock pays "The sun has gone" from Sound of Music and the sun sets.
(The sun is swiftly moved back to the right overnight at 3am when nobody is around to notice

3- A moon figurine affixed on another servo is shown over night.
4- A flip display that changes according to the weather
5- A figurine that bangs a bell every hour (3 bangs at 3pm, 4 at 4pm) etc
On top of that:
* Clock turns on 9am to 10pm. Overnight only displays time but is in a "quiet" mode
* clock speaks to tell the time, a quote of the day
* Throughout the day, the clock displays news
* The clock has countdown to birthdays of family members and on the birthday a special mode is activated to congratulate the member, send them a congratulatory birthday email, and the flip display shows his pictures
* The clock has a similar special mode for Christmas and Easter and Jan 1st (Xmas songs, flip showing Xmas and Santa...etc)
* The clock has 20 second count down to New year (at midnight)
* I want the background to be either a celestial blue during the day or mystical starry at night. I was thinking of printing both pictures in strips back to back (like a strip blind) and switching back and forth using a servo
Further ideas not officially embraced (yet?):
* Astrological signs like horoscope and zodiac wheel (Don't want to encourage kids to believe in this)
* Baby night light of a starry sky during the night mode (Not sure how or where that will fit)
* Moon phases (Not sure how to implement. The moon I have will be a figuring stuck on a wire!)
* Interactive voice commands (Will probably include, but need to know how)
* Relaxation mood with ambient music and light shows or mist/fog
* Some special mood if someone passes in front of it
* Eclipse mood ( show sun and moon at the same position?)
DISCLAIMER: I have a day job, so I can't promise that I will be indeed finishing this project anytime soon, but I will probably indeed have it done!