Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]
OPTION.WLOG 0 '0-vypnuto, 1-normal, 2-vse jako html atd.
wlog date$ + " -- " + time$
print chr$ (13) + date$ + " -- " + time$ + " -- " + "Start programu."
cas = 0
cas_operace$ = ""
onHtmlReload vytvorit_stranku
onHtmlChange vytvorit_stranku
gosub vytvorit_stranku
timer0 2500, read_update
gosub read_update
B$ = ""
B$ = B$ + |<center>|
B$ = B$ + |<p><font color = 'black', style='FONT-FAMILY:Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size: 200%'>TEST</font></p>|
B$ = B$ + |</center>|
B$ = B$ + |<table width="312" border="0" align="center" style='FONT-FAMILY: Arial;font-weight:bold;font-size: larger'>|
B$ = B$ + | <tbody>|
B$ = B$ + | <tr>|
B$ = B$ + | <td width="50%">OPERATION<br>TIME</td>|
B$ = B$ + | <td id="tab1" width="50%" style='font-size: 200%'></td>|
B$ = B$ + | </tr>|
B$ = B$ + | <tr>|
B$ = B$ + | <td>TIMER TIME</td>|
B$ = B$ + | <td id="tab4"></td>|
B$ = B$ + | </tr>|
B$ = B$ + | </tbody>|
B$ = B$ + |</table><br>|
B$ = B$ + |</center>|
wlog "START c –– " + str$ (millis - cas) + " ms"
cas_operace_0 = millis - cas
cas_operace_0$ = str$ (cas_operace_0) + " ms"
cas = millis
for c = 2000 to 2007
next c
js$ = |_$('tab4').innerHTML = "| + cas_operace_0$ + |";|
js$ = js$ + |_$('tab1').innerHTML = "| + cas_operace$ + |";|
jscall js$
cas_operace = millis - cas
cas_operace$ = str$ (cas_operace) + " ms"
wlog "END c –– " + cas_operace$ + " freemem: " + str$ (ramfree)
After another minute, the serial log will start to output an "ERROR: Too many messages queued" error on every HTML (CLS, HTML b$, JSCALL ...) operation.
After a longer period of time (10 minutes?) the Annex side closes the communication channel and returns to normal loop time. This condition cannot be resolved by anything other than waiting/restarting. Stopping the program or running other code does not help.
Annex32 CAN 1.53.7 LFS is running on EPS32.
Thank you for your help and advice!