Timers aren't running consistently

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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by karlkloss »

The TM1367 is meant for LEDs in one direction, i.e. common anode or cathode, while I need (to simplify wiring inside the tube)
a mix of high, low and tristate.

I'd need a charlieplexing driver, like the IS31FL3731.

But why?
The ESP32-S3 can do all of this and drive up to 40mA.
Just needs a little bit of code.
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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by cicciocb »

Yes, I know, ALL requires a little bit of code :D
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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by karlkloss »

You know, if you give me a framework, like sample code of a driver and some description, I could try to write it myself.
I've written low level drivers before, also for Linux, but not for Zephyr yet.

Nevertheless, if it's of interest, I'll send some pictures and docs about the clock here, once it's finished.

The more I think of it, the more I want a multiplexing LED driver for Annex, not only for charlieplexing, but also 7-Segment LED multiplexing without additional hardware (execpt maybe row transistors) would be nice.
I've used this a lot in the past with AVR microcontrollers, for industrial temperature controllers.
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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by cicciocb »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Wed Jan 08, 2025 1:26 pm You know, if you give me a framework, like sample code of a driver and some description, I could try to write it myself.
I've written low level drivers before, also for Linux, but not for Zephyr yet.

Nevertheless, if it's of interest, I'll send some pictures and docs about the clock here, once it's finished.

The more I think of it, the more I want a multiplexing LED driver for Annex, not only for charlieplexing, but also 7-Segment LED multiplexing without additional hardware (execpt maybe row transistors) would be nice.
I've used this a lot in the past with AVR microcontrollers, for industrial temperature controllers.
I suspect there won't be widespread interest in this subject (similar to many other topics, unfortunately).
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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by BeanieBots »

I was about to suggest a hardware method when it dawned on me that the simplest/cheapest solution would be a 2nd ESP.
Top level to give all the wonderful features of Annex RDS, driving a custom programmed ESP (or other micro) for the charlieplexing.
Might be slightly overkill when a single ESP can in theory do it all, but would certainly be very flexible and still cheap.
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Re: Timers aren't running consistently

Post by karlkloss »

Ok, I got the multiplexing running on Arduino, without flicker.
Now for the rest, like ntp, web server, config pages, etc.
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