No, the attenuation is not settable and is fixed to the max range.[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:13 pm Ok, thanks. I had been dividing down my actual voltage (18.8V DC) with a margin, so 21V to 3.3. So instead, I need to divide down to 2.5V.
Are the attenuation options settable from Annex? (E.g., ADC_ATTEN_DB_11--which seems to be in effect for my S2Mini)
ESP32 S2Mini
- cicciocb
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Re: ESP32 S2Mini
Re: ESP32 S2Mini
It's now working as expected, other than that it is maxing out at 2.62V (on my voltmeter) with an ADC reading of 8191 (while at 2.6V the reading is 8161.
Of course, there's no guarantee that my voltmeter is accurate to a tenth of a volt.
I still have to calibrate to my voltage reading before the voltage divider 100K-o-12K, but I'm close to within a couple of tenths of a volt, which is more than good enough for my purposes.
Thanks very much.
Of course, there's no guarantee that my voltmeter is accurate to a tenth of a volt.
I still have to calibrate to my voltage reading before the voltage divider 100K-o-12K, but I'm close to within a couple of tenths of a volt, which is more than good enough for my purposes.
Thanks very much.
Re: ESP32 S2Mini
Another PCB for the ESP32-S2Mini. This is for the outer rows of pins, which means it will also work for an ESP8266-D1Mini and on the inner rows of pins on an ESP32-D1Mini.
and fully populated: pin 39--DS18B20; 37--DS18B20; 35 I2C-scl; 33 I2C-sda (OLED); 16, 18, 11, 12--relay module; 3,5,7,9--LED module:
Here's a better (if blurry) view of the OLED:
Here's a youtube video of the board with 5V LEDs, 12V LEDs, DS18B20s, and 128x64 OLED:
Here's the program I used to exercise the PCB in the video:
Attached are the gerbers for ordering from JLCPCB. They're for V3. I fixed a spot where I had to gouge out a trace which had wandered without my noticing it, added a pin hole to make it easier to add an I2C port when the relay port is in use, and added some more labels.
When soldering pins to the S2Mini, I used a long pin in the 3V3 hole. That's to provide power to another PCB which will use the inner rows of pins. Coming soon.
and fully populated: pin 39--DS18B20; 37--DS18B20; 35 I2C-scl; 33 I2C-sda (OLED); 16, 18, 11, 12--relay module; 3,5,7,9--LED module:
Here's a better (if blurry) view of the OLED:
Here's a youtube video of the board with 5V LEDs, 12V LEDs, DS18B20s, and 128x64 OLED:
Here's the program I used to exercise the PCB in the video:
Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]
' t1,bas
dim LEDstatus$(2)=" OFF"," ON "
dim pLED(4)=3,5,7,9
dim p12V(4)=16,18,12,11
for i=0 to 3
pin.mode p12V(i),output
pin.mode pLED(i),output
next i
dim pTmpr(4)=39,37,35,33
dim tmpr$(4)
gosub pinset
gosub setI2c
print "before DO",millis
for i=0 to 3
if i=0 or i=1 then
if tmpr$(i)<>"-127" and tmpr$(i)<>"85" then
ln$="Temp"+str$(i+1)+": "+str$(val(tmpr$(i)),"%3.1f")
ln$="Line "+str$(i+1)
ln$="Line "+str$(i+1)
if flagI2c then ' or <>
ln$=ln$+" pin "+str$(p12V(i))+LEDstatus$(k)
' else
' t1=millis/1000
oled.print 0,i*16,ln$
' t2=millis/1000
' wlog "Lapsed time print: ",i,t1,t2,"lapsed: ",t2-t1," seconds"
wlog i+1,ln$,k
pause 1000
' print "before NEXT",i,millis
next i
' gosub pinset
pause 2000
' t1=millis/1000
if flagI2C then
' t2=millis/1000
' wlog "Lapsed time cls: "," ",t1,t2,"lapsed: ",t2-t1," seconds"
pause 500
print "pinset",millis
for i=0 to 3
pin(pLED(i))=1 ' pin(5)=1: pin(7)=1: pin(9)=1
pause 500
for i=0 to 3
pin(pLED(i))=0 ' pin(5)=1: pin(7)=1: pin(9)=1
i2c.setup 33,35 ' 18,16 ' SDA,scl
OLED.INIT 1 ',1 ' 0=normal orientation (,1->1.3" SH1106)
OLED.CLS ' clear the screen
OLED.FONT 1 '1=10pixels,2-16,3=24
for i=0 to 3
OLED.PRINT 0,i*16,"Line "+str$(i+1)
pause 500
OLED.CLS ' clear the screen
When soldering pins to the S2Mini, I used a long pin in the 3V3 hole. That's to provide power to another PCB which will use the inner rows of pins. Coming soon.
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