Command: Trace

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Jan Volk
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Command: Trace

Post by Jan Volk »


Command: Trace may be outdated and replaced for Wlog but still present in the latest firmware but no longer in the manual?
Last seen in Annex WiFi RDS Basic help v.1.44.2.
Look for the differences.

Data Pi * 2, 2, 4, "John"
Dates 8, 16, 32, "Palmer"
a = 10
b = 20
c = 30
a$ = "Ciao"
Trace a: Trace b: Trace c: Trace a$
Wlog a: Wlog b: Wlog c: Wlog a$
Read a, b, c, a$
Trace a: Trace b: Trace c: Trace a$
Wlog a: Wlog b: Wlog c: Wlog a$
Read a, b, c, a$
Trace a: Trace b: Trace c: Trace a$
Wlog a: Wlog b: Wlog c: Wlog a$
Trace a, b, c, a$
Wlog a, b, c, a$
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Re: Command: Trace

Post by cicciocb »

Yes, you are right, the command TRACE still exists and works almost as the command WLOG (not exactly the same).
This command still exist for debug purposes so the "normal" user should not use it.

You can simply ignore it ....
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