Il tutto funziona perfettamente , sia attivazione uscite singole che totali con telegram .
Il problema si è presentato con una segnalazione tramite led di disconnessione wi-fi
Il led che mi segnala la connessione e la disconnessione è out9. Funziona solo per la segnalazione avvenuta connessione
Come potrei risolvere il problema grazie in anticipo a tutti
Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]
' Inizio programma
' define the variables that are used for the output pins
out1 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out2 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out3 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out4 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out5 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out6 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out7 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out8 = 0 'set initial logic value of check boxes and output pin
out9 = 0 'led wifi
A1 = 16 'D0 modulo
A2 = 14 'D5 modulo
A3 = 12 'D6 modulo
A4 = 13 'D7 modulo
A5 = 15 'D4 modulo
A6 = 2 'D3 modulo ha il led integrato sul modulo
A7 = 0 'D2 modulo
A8 = 4 'D1 modulo
A9 = 5 '
Pin.MODE A9, Output 'define pin wifi led
Pin.MODE A1, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A2, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A3, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A4, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A5, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A6, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A7, Output 'define pin mode
Pin.MODE A8, Output 'define pin mode
GoSub control_wifi
GoSub lblPinOutSet 'set pin out at initial valuue
RcvdTxt$ = "" 'Received text extract from receivet telegram message
MsgToTLGM$ = "" 'Message to transmit to Telegram
token$ = "inserire token" 'BOT token keep confidential
c$ = "inserire nome bot" 'chat id
telegram.settoken token$ 'set telegram token ID
telegram.setwait 10 'set the max time for answer from TG server
wlog "-telegram.getMe ----", time$
wlog telegram.getMe$ 'get the user?s informations
wlog "--------------------"
timer0 5000, lblGetTGmessage 'Receive the messages from telegram at 5s interval
lblGetTGmessage: 'Receive the messages from telegram
'if WIFI.STATUS <> 3 then out9 = 0 'se il wifi non è presente led wifi = 0
'if WIFI.STATUS = 3 then out9 = 1 'il wifi è collegato accendo il led wifi
GoSub control_wifi
r$ = telegram.getUpdates$ 'get the new messages
wlog "-getUpdate -----------------", time$
wlog r$
wlog "--------------------------------------"
RcvdTxt$ = json$(r$, "text") 'get text field
If (RcvdTxt$ = "not found") Then Return
'c$ = json$(r$, "") 'get the chat_id
c$ = json$(r$, "") 'get the chat_id correct
' c= val(c$) 'problemi di conversione numeri >32bit
'wlog telegram.sendmessage$(c,"echo : " + RcvdTxt$)
wlog "-received text field -----------------"
wlog RcvdTxt$
wlog "--------------------------------------"
'================= MANAGE RECEIVED COMMANDS FROM TELEGRAM ====================
If RcvdTxt$ = "/update" Then GoTo lblReadPinStatus 'jump, return output pin logical level and create response to telegram
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A1" Then out1 = 1 - out1 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out1 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A2" Then out2 = 1 - out2 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out2 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A3" Then out3 = 1 - out3 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out3 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A4" Then out4 = 1 - out4 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out4 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A5" Then out5 = 1 - out5 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out5 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A6" Then out6 = 1 - out6 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out6 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A7" Then out7 = 1 - out7 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out7 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Toggle_A8" Then out8 = 1 - out8 : GoSub lblPinOutSet 'toggle out8 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Uscite_On" Then out1=1:out2=1:out3=1:out4=1:out5=1:out6=1:out7=1:out8=1 :GoSub lblPinOutSet
'all out set 1 'set/update pin out at variables value
If RcvdTxt$ = "/Uscite_Off" Then out1=0:out2=0:out3=0:out4=0:out5=0:out6=0:out7=0:out8=0 : GoSub lblPinOutSet
'all out set 1 'set/update pin out at variables value
'======== return output pin logical level and create response to bot =========
' %0A means line feed carriage return
' text from character "/" (included) is a command for bot
MsgToTLGM$ = "--- STATO USCITE ---%0A%0A"
If Pin(A1) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A1=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A1"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A1=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A1"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A2) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A2=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A2"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A2=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A2"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A3) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A3=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A3"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A3=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A3"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A4) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A4=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A4"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A4=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A4"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A5) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A5=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A5"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A5=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A5"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A6) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A6=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A6"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A6=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A6"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A7) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A7=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A7"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A7=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A7"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
If Pin(A8) = 1 Then
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A8=ON clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A8"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "A8=OFF clicK or tap here to /Toggle_A8"
End If
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR LF CR LF CR
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "Click or tap here to /Uscite_On"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "Click or tap here to /Uscite_Off"
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "%0A%0A" 'LF CR LF CR
MsgToTLGM$ = MsgToTLGM$ + "Click or tap here to /Aggiorna"
'=============== Send a text message to telegram ======================
wlog "-SendTGmessage -----------------", time$
If c$ < " " Then wlog "c$=nul":Return 'return if chat id not valid
'wlog telegram.sendmessage$(val(c$), "echo : " + text$) 'val(c$) not work properly
wlog wget$(""+token$+"/sendMessage?chat_id="+c$+"&text="+ MsgToTLGM$)
wlog "---------------------------------"
lblPinOutSet: 'set output pin at logical level
Pin(A1) = out1
Pin(A2) = out2
Pin(A3) = out3
Pin(A4) = out4
Pin(A5) = out5
Pin(A6) = out6
Pin(A7) = out7
Pin(A8) = out8
Pin(A9) = out9
While WIFI.STATUS <> 3
wlog "."
pause 500
wlog wifi.STATUS
out9 = 1 :
out9 = 0 'il wifi è