In preparation for the data logger for solar or battery loading measuring device, I think about how I handle the data.
A consideration is the data as a .csv file easy to send to the PC and then analyze with Excel with diagrams, etc.
I have a 32GB SD card on the ESP32, but with Annex interface I can only have 400kb max 1.4MB unscathed up or download, I think the RAM is not enough.(in a large file, many small files are good)
This program generates the data file within the ESP32
5.2MB are 10,000 lines, are 70,000 log entries.
These are then sent to the PC via FTP. It works great, even with even larger files. (At every start it gets 5MB larger)
I hope it helps someone, have fun ...
Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]
r$ = " jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
r$ = r$ + "jumps over the lazy dogjumps over the lazy dog -- jumps over the lazy dog--"
wlog "wait for write al lot of Data to test.txt file on SD Card, for 5 MB about 3 minutes"
for z = 0 to 10000
file.append "/test.txt", Str$(z) + r$ + chr$(13)+ chr$(10)
next z
wlog "wait for copy the .txt file from SD Card to FTP Server, for 5 MB about 1 minute"
wlog bas.ftp$( "", "a", "a", "/test.txt", "S:\Datenaktiv\FTP")
wlog "finish"