Home site conversion

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Home site conversion

Post by cicciocb »

Hi all,
the actual Annex website https://sites.google.com/site/annexwifi/home is hosted by google site.
As you may know, they decided to change the format and oblige everybody to convert the content into the new format.
I followed their instructions to make an automatic conversion and the result is available here https://sites.google.com/view/annexwifirds/home .

As I own a web space where I can do whatever I want (I have actually build a demo site based on Wordpress), I'm looking for some volunteers to help me into creating a new website, based on the old content but more flexible and adapted to our needs.
The goal is to host demos, snippets and people's projects based on their own content.

As I said, I already created a demo site but I'm not really satisfied and I would like to share and receive feedback with all of you to build a solid site structure before starting to fill it.

So, this is a call for help, for anybody that have some expertise into building web sites and for anybody that can propose ideas and suggestions about the structure of the future site and all who can dedicate some spare time for this project.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Home site conversion

Post by PANNO2 »

Hi cicciocb;

unfortunately i cant help much much i have some Ideas about.
i think you need a forum with the possibility to upload some user content.
such like https://www.blitzcoder.org/forum/ or https://www.blitzforum.de/forum/.
every Registered user can upload his Media such like here : https://www.blitzforum.de/upload/
to prevent spam and other Stuff only registered Members can upload.
split the forum into code for the two devices .

Esp8266 / ESP32.

is it possible to integrate the old forum Stuff into the new ? maybe like an archive with readonly but searchable ?

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