Help with ESP32-8048S043C

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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by karlkloss »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:12 am I recently changed my PC and I realized that this module doesn't work with the current PC because it requires too much current from the USB port;
That`s the reason why I got a PCIe USB-C card with 30W power delivery. ... closemodal

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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by Starraker »


Thank you very much.

This is great resource of programs, images and fonts which I will be pouring over in the near future.

BASIC (my favourite) is such an outstanding interpretive language of many variants that greatly benefits from examples.

Great idea getting that PCIe card because some of these screen boards take quite a bit of current. I have housed my earlier board (ESP32-3248S035C) into a portable hand held enclosure with a GPS board, a BME 280, VS1053B , speaker and a 9V 5400 mAH rechargeable LiPO battery through a buck regulator and it last only two hours on this battery (and sometimes fails to drive the speaker unless plugged in).
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by Starraker »


Sorry I have not replied but I am having a few troubles getting the screen to behave itself. Most of the programs you sent are now working (except the ones with radio). However, the screen is behaving weirdly when the program crashes. I have now moved to release Annex32-S3 CAN DMT VGA HID 1.70.5 qio opi LFS and that improved the speed of programs by about 5-10% - outstanding!!! I have now determined the best settings for the VGA for the running of programs :

VGA.SETUP 16,96,48,800,10,2,33,480,25263157 [This is the exact frequency of my VGA board]
vga.init 12

This works with most programs flawlessly but when I put the optional settings after 25263157 the programs mostly will not work (but some do) and when things go awry and the screen loses it (a number of different results) I have to unplug the board and run the following program (note the different SETUP definition - this was one that you gave me):

'RESET Program for ESP32-8048S043C
'VGA.PINOUT R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, G0, G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, HSYNC, VSYNC, DE, pCLK
VGA.PINOUT 45, 48, 47, 21, 14, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 4, 8, 3, 46, 9, 1, 39, 41, 40, 42
'VGA.SETUP hFront,hSync, hBack, hRes, vFront, vSync, vBack, vRes, frequency [,vClones=1] [,nb_pages=1] [,outSize=1] [,aligned]
VGA.SETUP 210,30,16,800,22,13,10,480,12500000,1,1,2,0 '[MODE 10]
PIN.MODE 2, output ' backlight
PIN(2) = 1

This resets the screen and then I can run the programs. However, no matter what I do I cannot use the VGA SETUP of this reset program in any of the operational programs (they just do not work) and I must use the first VGA.SETUP (with the 25263157 freq).

Anyway this is weird. By the way the VGA SETUPs that you suggested (other than the RESET program definition) and most others do not work at all and the ones in your programs don't work with my board either - I have tried them every way I can think of but no go and some of them require the reset program after using them.

I hope to get to the bottom of the trouble and I will let you know when I do (if I do).

Another thing does VGA.COPY have any issues with its use? The radio programs hiccough on this line (both instances).

Once again thank you for all you help
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by cicciocb »

there is an important thing to take into account :
VGA.SETUP and VGA.INIT does the same job, so you must use only one of them.

Basically VGA.INIT simply do a "VGA.SETUP" using the settings defines internally (the list I gave you last time).

Code: [Local Link Removed for Guests]

const VGAMode LCDRGB_800x480(210, 30, 16, 800, 22, 13, 10, 480, 12500000, 1, 2, false);  //init 10
const VGAMode LCDRGB_800x480_aligned(20, 8, 8, 800, 5, 5, 5, 480, 12500000, 1, 2, true);  //init11
const VGAMode LCDRGB_800x480_aggressive(20, 8, 8, 800, 5, 5, 5, 480, 14000000, 1, 2, true); //init 12
The parameters you are trying are for a 8 bit output at 26Mhz that are not achievable at 16bits.
The max realistic freq at 16 bits is 14Mhz , as defined in the INIT 12.
This explains why the module crashes.

Forget VGA.SETUP xxxxx and just use VGA.INIT 12, 2 (or more pages, if you need)

Important the 2 after VGA.INIT 12 because defines the nb of pages , this is probably the cause of the problem with VGA.COPY
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by Starraker »


Since our last communication I have been testing a large variety of VGA.SETUP definitions and have found only two definitions that work but shouldn't and none of the ones that should work. The definitions that should work activate the screen but only present with a blank white screen and some them roll through white to blue, red and green to white again but none allow VGA .TEXT or Graphics and none them result in errors in the program. Those tested but did not work were:

VGA.SETUP 210, 30, 16, 800, 22, 13, 10, 480, 12500000, 1, 2, 2,1 ; //init 10
VGA.SETUP 20, 8, 8, 800, 5, 5, 5, 480, 12500000, 1, 2, 2,1 ; //init11
VGA.SETUP 20, 8, 8, 800, 5, 5, 5, 480, 14000000, 1, 2, 2,1 ; //init 12
VGA.SETUP 24,72,96,800,3,7,6 480, 14617000 (plus with the ,1,2,2,1 optional parameters)
VGA.SETUP 48,32,80,800,3,7,6,480, 14844000 (plus with the ,1,2,2,1 optional parameters)
VGA.SETUP 8,32,40,800,1,8,6,480, 14850000 (plus with the ,1,2,2,1 optional parameters)
VGA.SETUP 30,210,30,800,4,4,4,480, 16000000 (plus with the ,1,2,2,1 optional parameters)

Some of the above caused the screen to lose sync and the module to fail when put under programming load and it had to be re-flashed to get it working again in Annex32

Then I retried the timing definition that currently works in the Arduino IDE (it has only just begun to work properly since the latest updates).
VGA.SETUP 8,4,8, 800, 8,4,8, 480,16000000 (plus with the ,1,2,2,1 optional parameters)
However, it also failed in Annex32:

so I returned to the two definitions that I derived from an Engineers forum
VGA.SETUP 16,96,48,800,10,2,33,480,25175000 (where 25.175MHz is the theoretical best frequency - 3% frequency variation to my module) and from the Sitronix ST7262 datasheet (see below; I note that only 16 pins are connected to the ESP32 of the 24 in a 5 ,6 ,5 arrangement):

VGA.SETUP 8,4,8,800,8,4,8,480,25263157 (where 25.263157 MHz is the natural frequency of my module - 0% error - also the frequency is in the min/max range specified in the table below). I also tried all of the frequencies you supplied and 12.467532 MHz (the natural 30 frames per sec frequency).

Both of these worked until placed under computational load or had the optional parameters used and then screen lost sync for the reasons you stated in your replies above. At all the other low frequencies it failed to work.

Excerpt from ST7262 specification
This leaves me to only use your fabulous Annex 32 for all ESP32 and 8266 modules but not the big screen board (ESP32-8048S043C) which will have to be programmed under Arduino IDE (or I will throw it in the draw and buy one of the older ESP32-8048S070C modules)

Make no mistake I have tried everything that you suggested because I really wanted to not go back to Arduino IDE because I love your Annex32 RDS so much. Sorry I have bothered you and thank you for all your efforts but it was because this is the only module that I own that would not cooperate.
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by Starraker »

Since my last post I have found that several board manufacturers use a different TFT driver for this board and the ESP32-4827S043C which is identical (except for resolution) but I have no data on this ILI 8485 chip.
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by cicciocb »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Thu Feb 06, 2025 8:26 am Since my last post I have found that several board manufacturers use a different TFT driver for this board and the ESP32-4827S043C which is identical (except for resolution) but I have no data on this ILI 8485 chip.
I understand your frustration regarding this module but, as you can understand, it's very difficult for me to support all the modules in circulation, especially those I don't own.
I will soon revisit the module with the 7" screen as I intend to include the new LovyanGFX functions and especially LVGL, so perhaps I can take a look at that time if I have the opportunity, but without making any promises.
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Re: Help with ESP32-8048S043C

Post by Starraker »


This module has been a bone of contention in GitHub also and only recently have some people got it to work. I think it is a beast that is hard to tame. So no worries. I wish they had implemented the I2C part of the ST7262 instead of the parallel interface but then you would not have VGA.
Oh well !

Thank you for all your time and help
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