Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by Starraker »

Thank you Francesco,

I am new to Annex RDS and have just flashed my ESP32-3248S035C with the latest version. No problems with the flash

I am yet to setup anything to access the chip (I have not found a way yet) - for tomorrow.

I absolutely love that you based Annex RDS on BASIC as that is my favourite language.

Many thanks and all the very best

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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by Electroguard »

Hi Starraker, and welcome to the Annex fun club.

By default a new device is assigned IP address and SSID of ESP(plus MAC address).
So if it flashed ok, you should see its ESPxxxxxx SSID listed in your available wifi's.
Select it, then connect in your browser to
By default it will open the 'Output' tab with nothing yet to display, so just select the Editor tab, then type in something like WLOG "Hello me" then Save it (prefixed with /) and Run it to see it appear in the log window.
Later you will need to use the Config tab to configure for your display before the display will work, and eventually you will probably want to configure the device to attach to your router at startup, but best to take a step at a time.
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by PeterN »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:24 am
I am yet to setup anything to access the chip (I have not found a way yet) - for tomorrow.
I absolutely love that you based Annex RDS on BASIC as that is my favourite language.
Hi Starraker,

in addition to the advice in Electroguard's post, you may find this new „Introduction to Annex RDS for ESP32“ helpful:
[Local Link Removed for Guests]
also selectable at [Local Link Removed for Guests]

I also like cicciocb's examples made with the web-based ESP32 simulator WOKWI, as they give a very good overview of what can be done and how:
[Local Link Removed for Guests]
Don't forget to press the PLAY button on the simulator pages ;-)

Hope you have fun with Annex!
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by Starraker »


Thank you for your reply. I will have a look at your suggestions. I am looking forward to getting started on Annex rather than the Arduino IDE.

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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by TrevorB »

Managed to flash several of my modules, it reports that the flashing is sucessfull but does not deliver an IP ADDRESS SO i AM AT A LOSS OF HOW TO OPEN the Annx editor ???
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by PeterN »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Wed Jan 29, 2025 3:10 pm Thanks
Managed to flash several of my modules, it reports that the flashing is sucessfull but does not deliver an IP ADDRESS SO i AM AT A LOSS OF HOW TO OPEN the Annx editor ???
The IP will be displayed on startup at the serial line.
Take e.g. the webbased terminal [Local Link Removed for Guests] to look at the serial line output.

You can already set YOUR Wifi credentials for the initial flashing by using the CONFIG button at the flasher-page after having selected the firmware-version . [Local Link Removed for Guests]
Look at the big red HELP button there for further detailed hints.

All the useful links are here: [Local Link Removed for Guests]
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by TrevorB »

it used to display the IP after the flashing was complete ok so things have changed I will catch up eventually
I cannot connect to the serial option in the terminal so struggling a little

The config menu does not appear when flashing on some of the modules ?

If it does I have tried specifing an IP address
still failing

will try and reflash some more modules and get back to you will try differnt firmwhere options

I know I am doing something wrong and once I get a success under my belt I can sort out any faulty hardware

thanks for the help really struggling
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by PeterN »

Hi Trevor

the modules need to be in download mode to show the appropriate firmwares. To force that you may try constantly grounding GPIO 0 (= press BOOT button) while connecting the 5V supply or briefly using the reset-button.

Carefully read the popup window behind the HELP-Button - there are some hidden gems !! :-)

[Local Link Removed for Guests]

I‘ll attach it here for your convenience and maybe a reminder to other friends of Annex ;-)


Connect to Device:
Click on the "Connect" button to establish a connection with the device.
A dialog will open; Choose the appropriate port from the list and confirm your selection.
Wait for the connection to be established successfully before proceeding.
By default, the speed is set to 115200, which is the most suitable value for all devices.You can try increasing this value to reduce the flashing time. In case of an error, try reducing the speed.
Important: For USB devices, please leave the default value.
If you encounter difficulties establishing the connection, try putting the module in 'flash mode' manually (usually by holding down the boot button and pressing the reset button on the module).

Auto-Detected Flash Size:
After connecting, the appropriate flash size for the module is automatically set in the "Flash Size" box.
You can eventually change and force another value.

This step is mandatory only for the initial flash.

Select Firmware:
Click on the "Select Firmware" button.
A list will appear showing available firmware versions for your device.
Choose Firmware Version:
Select the desired firmware version from the list.
Click on the "Select" button to confirm your choice.
Select Partitions:
After selecting the firmware version, a table displaying different partitions will be shown.
By default, only the firmware partition is selected for flashing.

Initial Flash Setup (First Initial Flash Only):
If you're flashing the device with Annex RDS for the first time and no previous firmware has been installed:
Select all the lines (partitions) provided in the table.
Check that the correct flash size is set in the list.

This step is necessary for the initial setup to ensure all required components are flashed onto the device.

Configure the Device:
If you want to configure the parameters of the module, such as WiFi or IP address:
Click on the "Set Config" button.
A configuration interface will open, allowing you to define the desired configuration settings for the device.
Keep in mind that this configuration will override any existing settings on the module, if present.

Finalize Flashing:
After selecting the desired firmware and making any necessary configurations, review your selections.
Confirm that you have chosen the correct firmware options for your specific use case.
Click on the "Program" button to initiate the flashing process.
Progress bars will indicate the advancement of the process.
Wait for the flashing process to complete.
At the end of the process, a message "Flash process completed!" will be shown.
Once the flashing process is complete, the module will automatically connect to the console, and the startup message will become visible.
In case you encounter any issues, you can use a terminal emulator available at the following link: Annex Web Terminal.

Optional Configuration Flash:
If you only want to update the configuration settings without re-flashing the entire firmware:
You can use the "Set Config" Button to define and update the configuration settings.
This allows you to set the config of an already-flashed device without changing the firmware.
You can then click on the "Program" button flash just the configuration.

Cross-Version Flashing Considerations:
If you're flashing a different file system version of the firmware (LFS version over a non-LFS version or vice-versa):
Be aware that this operation will wipe all data from the internal disk of the device.
Proceed with caution and ensure you have backed up any important data if needed.
Wiping Module (Advanced):
If required, there's an "Erase Flash" button available.
Click on this button only when you are certain you want to wipe the module completely.

This action will erase all data and configurations on the device, so use it wisely.

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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by TrevorB »

ok ticked all the boxes and flash print below :-
I asked for (cannot connect)
or via terminal to discover a different IP

Welcome to Annex RDS Web Installer
Connected successfully.
Try hard reset.
Chip type ESP32
Connected to ESP32
MAC Address: 88:13:BF:0B:DB:AC
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub is now running...
Detecting Flash Size
FlashId: 0x1660C4
Flash Manufacturer: c4
Flash Device: 6016
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Header found

Flash process started ....
Image header, Magic=0xAA, FlashMode=0x01, FlashSizeFreq=0x02
Writing data with filesize: 3072
Erase size 3072, blocks 1, block size 0x4000, offset 0x8000, encrypted no
Flashing 100%
Took 1447ms to write 3072 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 1883968
Erase size 1883968, blocks 115, block size 0x4000, offset 0x10000, encrypted no
Flashing 0%
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Flashing 100%
Took 170839ms to write 1883968 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0x01, FlashMode=0x00, FlashSizeFreq=0x00
Writing data with filesize: 8192
Erase size 8192, blocks 1, block size 0x4000, offset 0xE000, encrypted no
Flashing 100%
Took 1455ms to write 8192 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 17472
Erase size 17472, blocks 2, block size 0x4000, offset 0x1000, encrypted no
Flashing 93%
Flashing 100%
Took 2963ms to write 17472 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 678400
Erase size 678400, blocks 42, block size 0x4000, offset 0x240000, encrypted no
Flashing 2%
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Flashing 99%
Flashing 100%
Took 62902ms to write 678400 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xFC, FlashMode=0xFF, FlashSizeFreq=0xFF
Writing data with filesize: 20480
Erase size 20480, blocks 2, block size 0x4000, offset 0x9000, encrypted no
Flashing 80%
Flashing 100%
Took 2902ms to write 20480 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no

Flash process completed!

The module will be reset, and the console will establish a connection to the module
in order to look at the startup message.
If no information is displayed, it will be necessary to manually restart the module
by pressing the "reset" button on the module, or by physically disconnecting and
reconnecting it from the PC.
[Object.debug:7950] Finished read loop
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4
Annex initializing...
module Type 0 Display 255 SD_Card 0
No SD cards found. Reverts to LittleFS
../components/esp_littlefs/src/littlefs/lfs.c:1229:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1}
LittleFS Mount Failed
Formatting ...
Format completed.
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4
Annex initializing...
module Type 0 Display 255 SD_Card 0
No SD cards found. Reverts to LittleFS

Annex32 CAN 1.70.1 LFS
(C) ciccioCB 2024
Personal use only, commercial use strictly prohibited

Chip revision 3 Freq 240
Connecting to Tall-Trees
Switched to AP Mode ESP88:13:BF:0B:DB:AD
IP address:
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

waiting for download
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Re: Introducing Annex Version 1.50.8 and New Websites for Updates and Flashing

Post by cicciocb »

[Local Link Removed for Guests] wrote: [Local Link Removed for Guests]Wed Jan 29, 2025 7:25 pm ok ticked all the boxes and flash print below :-
I asked for (cannot connect)
or via terminal to discover a different IP

Welcome to Annex RDS Web Installer
Connected successfully.
Try hard reset.
Chip type ESP32
Connected to ESP32
MAC Address: 88:13:BF:0B:DB:AC
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub is now running...
Detecting Flash Size
FlashId: 0x1660C4
Flash Manufacturer: c4
Flash Device: 6016
Auto-detected Flash size: 4MB
Header found

Flash process started ....
Image header, Magic=0xAA, FlashMode=0x01, FlashSizeFreq=0x02
Writing data with filesize: 3072
Erase size 3072, blocks 1, block size 0x4000, offset 0x8000, encrypted no
Flashing 100%
Took 1447ms to write 3072 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 1883968
Erase size 1883968, blocks 115, block size 0x4000, offset 0x10000, encrypted no
Flashing 0%
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Flashing 100%
Took 170839ms to write 1883968 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0x01, FlashMode=0x00, FlashSizeFreq=0x00
Writing data with filesize: 8192
Erase size 8192, blocks 1, block size 0x4000, offset 0xE000, encrypted no
Flashing 100%
Took 1455ms to write 8192 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 17472
Erase size 17472, blocks 2, block size 0x4000, offset 0x1000, encrypted no
Flashing 93%
Flashing 100%
Took 2963ms to write 17472 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xE9, FlashMode=0x02, FlashSizeFreq=0x2F
Writing data with filesize: 678400
Erase size 678400, blocks 42, block size 0x4000, offset 0x240000, encrypted no
Flashing 2%
Flashing 4%
Flashing 7%
Flashing 9%
Flashing 12%
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Flashing 79%
Flashing 82%
Flashing 84%
Flashing 86%
Flashing 89%
Flashing 91%
Flashing 94%
Flashing 96%
Flashing 99%
Flashing 100%
Took 62902ms to write 678400 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no
Image header, Magic=0xFC, FlashMode=0xFF, FlashSizeFreq=0xFF
Writing data with filesize: 20480
Erase size 20480, blocks 2, block size 0x4000, offset 0x9000, encrypted no
Flashing 80%
Flashing 100%
Took 2902ms to write 20480 bytes
Erase size 0, blocks 0, block size 0x4000, offset 0x0000, encrypted no

Flash process completed!

The module will be reset, and the console will establish a connection to the module
in order to look at the startup message.
If no information is displayed, it will be necessary to manually restart the module
by pressing the "reset" button on the module, or by physically disconnecting and
reconnecting it from the PC.
[Object.debug:7950] Finished read loop
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4
Annex initializing...
module Type 0 Display 255 SD_Card 0
No SD cards found. Reverts to LittleFS
../components/esp_littlefs/src/littlefs/lfs.c:1229:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1}
LittleFS Mount Failed
Formatting ...
Format completed.
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805e4
Annex initializing...
module Type 0 Display 255 SD_Card 0
No SD cards found. Reverts to LittleFS

Annex32 CAN 1.70.1 LFS
(C) ciccioCB 2024
Personal use only, commercial use strictly prohibited

Chip revision 3 Freq 240
Connecting to Tall-Trees
Switched to AP Mode ESP88:13:BF:0B:DB:AD
IP address:
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

waiting for download
looking at your log :
It seems that you probably put a wrong SSID or wifi password.

Anyway, the module is working and you can connect to it locally on the WIFI ESP88:13:BF:0B:DB:AD.

Otherwise redo the flash and put the correct login / password for your wifi
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